Web site: http://biblioteca.if.ufrj.br
Where? Technology Center (CT) Building – Block A 3º floor – room 340 Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149 Ilha do Fundão – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil CEP: 21.941-909 Phone. +55 (21) 2562-7691/7692/7693 Fax. +55 (21) 2562-7368 |
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 08h30 to 20h30.
In addition to the library, users also have two terminals for consulting, where they can access the Minerva catalog, and a space in the Reference Collection, to consult the CAPES Portal and on other numerous physics data bases, both with scanner to help to search for articles and pages of books. Users can also count with a space for group and individual study, and the free movement between the shelves.