Academic Master in Applied Physics

Introduction Information Academic Production Resolutions Colloquiums IFA



The Multidisciplinary Academic Master’s Degree in Applied Physics of the Institute of Physics is a pioneering proposal, first of its kind under the care of CA-Physics / Astronomy of Capes, aimed at an audience interested in applications of Physics to several other areas of knowledge.

The Multidisciplinary Academic Master in Applied Physics counts on the participation of 30 professors in its faculty, working in three areas of concentration: medical and biological physics, materials science and instrumentation, computational modeling and complex systems; 30 research projects and associated laboratories at the Institute of Physics, at the Institute of Chemistry-UFRJ, at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences-UFRJ, at the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Engineering Research COPPE-UFRJ, at the National Bioimaging Center ( Cenabio-UFRJ) and at the Institute of Economics-UFRJ.

The course structure was designed with few compulsory disciplines and a diversity of optional subjects and advanced topics in specific sub-areas of the three major areas of concentration proposed for the program to enable applicants from diverse areas beyond physics such as economics, biology, chemistry and engineering can carry out their projects in an interdisciplinary way.



Informations about the Multidisciplinary Academic Master in Applyed Physics


Academic Production

Academic production of the multidisciplinary Postgraduate program in Applyed Physics

N. Author Title Date Advisor
1 Marcos Guilherme Vieira Junior Aspectos Numéricos e Experimentais da Determinação do Espectros de Energia de Fótons Usando um Detector de Pixels de Silício 24/08/2020 Erica Ribeiro Polycarpo Macedo (advisor), Franciole da Cunha Marinho (coadvisor)






Resolução CPG-PPGI-FisAplic #3/2018: Regulates co-ordination in the PPGI-FisAplic (pt);

Resolução CPG-PPGI-FisAplic #2/2018: Creates the category of Professor Participante in the PPGI-FisAplic (pt);

Resolução CPG-PPGI-FisAplic #1/2018: Establishes guidelines for changing the number of teachers in the PPGI-FisAplic (pt);



22/11/2018 – CCDs como detectores de partículas, Profa. Carla Bonifazi. “Link” da apresentação no YouTube:

11/10/2018 – Nanopartículas Magnéticas e Aplicações, Prof. Miguel Novak. Acesse aqui o “link” para assistir a apresentação no Youtube, (ao vivo) a partir das 14:45 horas.

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