Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Multidisciplinary Master in Applied Physics

1) Access the template of the letter of recommendation in PDF format by the “link” next: carta-recomendacao-PPGI-FisAplic-vf

2)Access the template of the recommendation letter in DOCX format by the “link” next:carta-recomendacao-PPGI-FisAplic-vf

3) Access the application form for the selective process 1/2018 in PDF format by the “link” next: Formulario_inscricao_PPGI_FisAplic_vf

4) Access the registration form for the selective process 1/2018 in DOCX format by the “link” next: Formulario_inscricao_PPGI_FisAplic_vf


The documents must be sent to the electronic address of the program:


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