Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Interdisciplinary Master in Applied Physics




1) november 2012

First conversations involving Simone Coutinho, Marcelo Byrro and Nathan Bessa about the idea of ??creating a new Graduate Program in the FI that involved the part of research in applied physics and with a profile of incoming and outgoing students differentiated from a traditional post-graduation in physics. Professor Vitoria Barthem becomes part of the discussions for the preparation of the proposal.

2) february 2013

Elaboration of the first text for the creation of the PPGI-FisAplic, level Academic Master, by Simone Coutinho, Marcelo Byrro, Nathan Bessa and Vitória Barthem.

3) april  2013

First text of the proposal was sent to the then Director of the IF, Prof. José d’Albuquerque, along with two memoranda of support signed by 29 IF teachers.

4) may 2013

The proposal is discussed in the Congregation of the IF in one of its broadest appearances and after intense discussion the Congregation of the FI decides that the board should create a commission to analyze the proposal and issue an opinion to be sent to the proponents.

5) July 18, 2013

The commission created by the then IF director to examine the proposal, composed of Carlos Eduardo Aguiar, Eduardo Montenegro and Paulo Ribeiro, issued an opinion stating that the proposal had a great innovative potential, but that it had a number of deficiencies that needed improvement. These shortcomings were listed and detailed in the opinion.

6) october 23, 2014

The first revision of the proposal was sent to the then director, Eduardo Montenegro, containing several improvements indicated in the opinion of the first evaluation commission, as well as a proposal for regulation and adhesion of professors external to the FI and UFRJ.

7) november 13, 2014

An addendum containing new improvements and the adhesion of other teachers outside the FI and UFRJ is sent to the IF director.

8 ) december 18, 2014

A second commission created by then-director of the IF Eduardo Montenegro, in charge of analyzing the second version of the proposal and formed by professors Carlos Eduardo Aguiar, Claudio Lenz Cesar and José d’Albuquerque, issues his opinion where in his first line he says that “The new proposal for the creation of a postgraduate program in Applied Physics at the IF-UFRJ … meets many of the recommendations made by the previous committee, but important points mentioned in the first report still need consideration from proponents. ” These points are then explicitly listed.

9) april 16, 2015

The second revision of the PPGI-FisAplic proposal is sent in a memorandum to the Director of the IF, Eduardo Montenegro, with new improvements in both the text and the regulation, already in a format required by the CAPES New APCN Proposal Appreciation form .

10) june 12, 2015

The commission formed by the director of the IF to analyze the second review, made up of the same previous members, issues its opinion recommending other improvements to the proposal in order to better adapt to the requirements of CAPES and the internal regulation of the FI with regard to the regulation of the Program.

11) july 5, 2015

In a reply to the committee, the drafting members, Marcelo Byrro, Nathan Bessa, Simone Coutinho and Vitoria Barthem, wrote that “The proponents wish first of all to thank the committee for its detailed work on the proposal, its for having listed a series of recommendations and suggestions which will undoubtedly result in the improvement of the proposal and its consonance with the academic vision and policy of the Institute of Physics. Listed below are the modifications that meet the recommendations and will be incorporated into the third revision, fourth version, of the proposal.

12) july 7, 2015

The Congregation of the Institute of Physics unanimously approves the proposal that incorporates the latest modifications agreed with the last commission that analyzed the project.

13) september 2015

Process number 23079.039895 / 2015-59 containing the necessary documentation for the creation of the PPGI-FisAplic is sent to the Decania of the Center for Mathematical and Nature Sciences-CCMN for consideration.

14) october 28, 2015

The Coordination Council of the CCMN approved the opinion in favor of the proposal issued by Prof. Walcy Santos, then director of the Institute of Mathematics, who was appointed by the Dean of the CCMN to analyze the proposal.

15) november 27, 2015

The Course Monitoring and Evaluation Chamber (CAAC) issues a favorable opinion on the project. The Graduate Teaching Council – CEPG follows the opinion of the chamber and approves the proposal.

16) march 10, 2016

The University Council of UFRJ accepts the favorable opinion of the Teaching and Certification Commission of that Board issued the previous day and unanimously approves the creation of the Program.

17) april 26, 2016

The Pro-Rector for Graduate Studies and Research at UFRJ approves in the CAPES Sucupira Platform the APCN 01/2016 containing the documentation of the proposal for the creation of the PPGI-FisAplic, which is sent for appreciation by the Commission of the Interdisciplinary Area of ??CAPES.

18) 19 de janeiro de 2017

The Commission for the Interdisciplinary Area submits an objection not related to the academic quality of the proposal, but a technicality related to the requirement that 50% of the permanent faculty be exclusive to the proposal, to reject the APCN 01/2016.

19) may 22, 2017

The Pro-Rector of Post-Graduation and Research of UFRJ, Profa. Leila Rodrigues, received a letter from CAPES informing that her Scientific Technical Council for Higher Education (CTC-ES) decided to transfer the analysis of the proposal of the Commission of the Interdisciplinary Area to the Commission of the Area of ??Physics / Astronomy. The chairman of the latter Committee, Prof. Sylvio Canuto, requests, however, an on-site visit to better understand the relationship of this proposal with the existing Program in Physics.

20) september 12, 2017

The Prof. Sylvio Canuto (USP) and Profa. Andrea Latgé (UFF), respectively coordinator of the Area of ??Physics / Astronomy and Adjunct Coordinator of the Physics / Astronomy Area of ??CAPES, will conduct an on-site visit to the Institute of Physics, having separate meetings with the board of the FI, the PPG Deliberative Commission in Physics and the Teaching Body proposing PPGI-FisAplic. After these meetings both visit the facilities and laboratories of the proposal, both within the FI and in other sectors of the UFRJ that are included in the proposal.

21) november 7, 2017

CAPES discloses information that, at its 174th Meeting, held in Brasília from October 24 to 26, 2017, the CTC-ES decided to approve the creation of the PGPI-FisAplic, assigning a note 4 (four) to the new Program that is linked to the Area of ??Physics / Astronomy of CAPES.

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