Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Interdisciplinary Master in Applied Physics

Old selective processes and edicts


  • 2018/2

16/07/2018 – To pre-register the approved candidate you should contact the program secretary: pfisaplic@if.ufrj.br

06/07/2018 – Access the list of classified in the Selection Process 2018/2 here.

21/06/2018 -Access the approved list in the first stage of the 2018/2 Selection Process after reviewing the resources, here.

18/06/2018 – Acesse a lista de aprovados na primeira etapa do Processo de Seleção 2018/2 aqui.


Access the list of articles for the second stage of the selection process aqui.

Acesse o Edital de retificação das datas do processo seletivo de 2018 aqui.

Access the Invitation to rectify the dates of the 2018 selection process aqui.

Access the Call for Bid 2018  aqui.

Questions should be directed to the program’s electronic address:


Próximos eventos agendados

There are no upcoming events at this time.

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