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Seminários do Departamento de Física dos Sólidos – Carsten Enderlein (UFRJ-Xerém)

9 de maio de 2023-10:40 AM - 12:00 PM

Anderson localization and spin-orbit induced emergent physics in elemental tellurium

Carsten Enderlein

Resumo: Elemental tellurium is a semiconductor with a small band gap of 330meV and a strong spin-orbit coupling. It is a van-der-Waals material with covalently bound helical atomic chains, which are arranged in a hexagonal lattice with van-der-Waals interhelical bonds. In recent years, tellurium has attracted a lot of attention as it has unique thermoelectric and magnetoelectric properties. For example, when an external current is applied along the screw axis of the helices, tellurium is magnetized parallel or antiparallel to the electrical current direction (depending on the chirality of the helices). In this talk, I will present theoretical and experimental results which demonstrate that tellurium is an Anderson insulator at low temperatures due to the existence of vacancies naturally present in elemental tellurium crystals. Furthermore, I will present data demonstrating the topological nature of the quasi-particles in tellurium. This topological nature leads to an emergent self-inductance in tellurium, which can demonstrate oscillative beahvior under magnetic fields. We have created nanostructures of tellurium, of which we believe that the inductant nature of the samples is even stronger than in the macrosocpic ones.

Departamento de Física dos Sólidos
Instituto de Física UFRJ



9 de maio de 2023
10:40 AM - 12:00 PM
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Natanael de Carvalho Costa

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