Hydrogen Atom III - International Conference on
Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems

Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL - August 01-04/2004

A sattellite conference to the International Conference on Atomic Physics - ICAP'2004

Some details available by now:

TRAVEL to Rio de Janeiro (the international airport is referred as Galeão with abreviation GIG in the reservation systems):

We do not know what should be the flight schedule in a year but we do not expect it will be changed too much from this year. The flights typically arrive in the early morning or in the late afternoon.

We recommend you to arrive early morning on August, 1st and plan to leave only on the 5th and to make your reservation as early as possible, as this is a very busy time for air travel to Brazil.

Please notice a reciprocity policy from Brazil which requires VISA from citizens whose countries require VISA from brazilians, like Russia and the USA, for instance. Please check with your travel agent.

CONFERENCE FEE is estimated to be:
It includes: four-night accomodation in Mangaratiba (arriving August, 1 and departing August, 5) with all meals included, as well as the direct conference expenses (coffebreaks, bus from Airport (Augist, 1), bus to Airport (August, 5), book of abstracts, conference book with invited talks, conference dinner and other services). The fee is subject to minor changes which we hope will be a reduction.



Participants who will prefer to arrive/leave on other days can take a taxi (2 hours for about $50).


ICAP (Please confirm the latest information at their site):
and we have arranged that these sessions will take place Thursday and Friday. The overlap in the Organization board of the two conferences will seek to accomodate this mutual interest. Hydrogen III may accept the same poster contribution as ICAP's but not the same oral contribution.

Last update: September, 9