Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro
Welcome to my page on the Internet. Here you will find
some basic professional information about me.
Current position: Associate Professor of the Physics Institute,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Brief description of my research interests:
- Observational cosmology: theoretical and observational
aspects of relativistic cosmologies; application of the general
theory of cosmological observations to observationally test
standard and non-standard cosmological models and further develop
the classical cosmological tests, but taking fully into account
the null geodesic effects; comparison of the observational tests
of alternative cosmologies with the results predicted by the
standard Friedmannian cosmology; modelling the large scale
distribution of galaxies as a fractal structure.
- Econophysics and complex systems: complexity and complex
system dynamics of the distributions of personal income, city
population size and industry sectorial revenue; applying the
Gompertz-Pareto distribution to these complex systems.
- History and philosophy of science: some epistemological
aspects of modern cosmology and complex systems dynamics,
particularly the epistemological theses advanced by Ludwig
Boltzmann (1844-1906) when applied to cosmology and complex
systems, namely, theories as images of nature and theoretical
pluralism; the interface between science and religion under the
viewpoint of Boltzmann's epistemology.
I may be contacted at: |
Physics Institute - UFRJ
Centro de Tecnologia, Bl. A, Ilha do Fundão
CEP (postal code) 21941-972
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Telephone: +55 21 3938-7482
Fax: +55 21 3938-7368 |
E-mail: mbr at
Further information about me:
- Publications
- Supervisions
- Vita
- Lattes CV
(with a picture of me)
Google scholar profile
Academic genealogy via doctoral
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