Sergio L A de Queiroz - Full Professor
My doctoral degree was awarded in 1981 from
PUC/RJ (Rio de Janeiro, BR), in Condensed Matter Physics
with emphasis on Statistical Mechanics. In 1983/84 I was a
post-doctoral worker at Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK.
At present my research interests include: theory
of disordered magnetic systems, especially diluted magnets and
random-field models; statistical description of Barkhausen noise in
disordered magnetic alloys; disorder-induced electronic localization
(Anderson transition); spin systems with competing
interactions and frustrated phases; conformational properties of
polymers in solution.
Click here for a copy of my CV in English or Portuguese.
My most recent papers are:
- ``Rare-event properties in a classical stochastic model
describing the evolution of random unitary circuits'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 104, 034122 (2021)
- ``Spin-dependent conductance statistics in systems
with spin-orbit coupling'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz,
European Physical Journal B
93, 41 (2020)
- ``Dynamical aspects of spontaneous symmetry breaking in
driven flow with exclusion'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz and R. B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review E 100, 012141 (2019)
- ``Driven flow with exclusion and spin-dependent transport
in graphenelike structures'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz and R. B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review E 95, 042121 (2017)
- ``Domain wall theory and nonstationarity in driven
flow with exclusion'',
R. B. Stinchcombe and S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 94, 012105 (2016)
- ``Localization and spin transport in honeycomb
structures with spin-orbit coupling'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review B 92, 205116 (2015)
- ``Dynamics of driven flow with exclusion in
graphene-like structures'',
R. B. Stinchcombe and S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 91, 052102 (2015)
- ``Driven flow with exclusion and transport in
graphene-like structures'',
R. B. Stinchcombe, S. L. A. de Queiroz, M. A. G. Cunha, and Belita Koiller,
Physical Review E 88, 042133 (2013)
- ``Critical line of honeycomb-lattice anisotropic Ising
antiferromagnets in a field'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 87, 024102 (2013)
- ``Current-activity versus local-current fluctuations in
driven flow with exclusion'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 86, 041127 (2012)
- ``Statistics of
current-activity fluctuations in asymmetric flow with exclusion'',
R. B. Stinchcombe and S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 85, 041111 (2012)
- ``Scaling behavior of square-lattice Ising model with competing
interactions in a uniform field'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 84, 031132 (2011)
- ``Universal and non-universal amplitude ratios for scaling
corrections on Ising strips'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 84, 031107 (2011)
- ``Smoothly varying hopping rates in driven flow with exclusion'',
R. B. Stinchcombe and S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 83, 061113 (2011)
- ``Finite-size scaling behavior in trapped
S. L. A. de Queiroz, R. R. dos Santos, and R. B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review E 81, 051122 (2010)
``Field-driven transition in an Ising magnet with
mixed interactions'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 80, 041125 (2009)
- ``Location and properties of the multicritical
point in the Gaussian and +/- J Ising spin glasses'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review B 79, 174408 (2009)
- ``Non-equilibrium processes: driven lattice gases,
interface dynamics, and
quenched disorder effects on density profiles and currents'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz and R. B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review E 78, 031106 (2008)
- ``Quantum diffusion and localization in
disordered electronic systems'', P. R. Wells Jr., J. D'Albuquerque e
Castro, and S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review B 78, 035102 (2008)
- ``Wavelet transforms in a critical interface
model for Barkhausen noise'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 77, 021131 (2008)
- ``Distribution of local Lyapunov exponents in
spin-glass dynamics'', S. L. A. de Queiroz and R. B.
Stinchcombe, Physical
Review B 76, 184421 (2007)
- ``Properties of the multicritical point of +/-
J Ising spin glasses on the square lattice'', J. C. Lessa
and S. L. A. de Queiroz, Physical
Review B 74,
134424 (2006)
- ``Logarithmic corrections to correlation decay
in two-dimensional random-bond Ising systems'', J. C. Lessa
and S. L. A. de Queiroz, Physical
Review E 74,
021114 (2006)
- ``Anomalous dynamics in two- and three-
dimensional Heisenberg-Mattis spin glasses'', S. L. A. de
Queiroz and R. B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review B 73,
214421 (2006)
- ``Multicritical point of Ising spin glasses on
triangular and honeycomb lattices'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review B 73,
064410 (2006)
- ``Roughness of time series
in a critical interface model'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Review E 72, 066104 (2005)
- ``Search for universal roughness distributions
in a critical interface model'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 71,
016134 (2005)
- ``Dimensional crossover and universal roughness
distributions in Barkhausen noise'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review E 69,
026126 (2004)
- ``Correlation--function distributions at the
Nishimori point of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses'', S.
L. A. de Queiroz and R.B. Stinchcombe,
Physical Review B 68, 144414 (2003)
- ``Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in three-state
mixed Potts ferro-antiferromagnets'', Miguel Quartin and S.
L. A. de Queiroz,
Journal of Physics A 36, 951 (2003)
- ``Failure of single-parameter scaling of wave
functions in Anderson localization'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Review B 66, 195113 (2002)
- ``Finite-size investigation of scaling
corrections in the square-lattice three-state Potts
antiferromagnet'', S. L. A. de Queiroz, Physical Review E 65, 056104
- ``Finite driving rates in interface models of
Barkhausen noise'', S. L. A. de Queiroz and M. Bahiana,
Physical Review E 64,
066127 (2001)
- ``Correlation functions, free energies and
magnetizations in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model'',
S. L. A. de Queiroz and R. B. Stinchcombe, Physical Review E 64, 036117 (2001)
- ``Reentrant behaviour and universality in the
Anderson transition'', S. L. A. de Queiroz,
Physical Review B 63, 214202 (2001)
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