Infrared imaging and sensing with undetected photons: smaller, faster, brighter, longer
Emma Pearce
(Imperial College London)
Imaging in the infrared is utilised across many scientific disciplines, from material analysis to diagnostic medicine. However, applications are often limited by inefficient, noisy detectors as well as expensive infrared sources. Infrared imaging with undetected photons allows us to harness the information in the infrared while using the superior detection technology available in the visible range.
In this talk, I will cover the work undertaken at Imperial College London over the past two years to explore both fundamental and practical aspects of this technique. I will first present a compact, robust, and portable system developed to demonstrate imaging with undetected photons outside of a lab environment, including a real-time analysis interface. I will go on to discuss a scheme that can compensate for losses in the system and reduce the power reaching the sample while maintaining a detectable signal. Finally, I will present recent theoretical and experimental results on using a stimulated non-linear process to enhance image quality.
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Grupo de Óptica e Informação Quântica
Instituto de Física UFRJ